A poker donkey does not know any better. In poker terms, a donkey is a derogatory term for a poor or inexperienced player who calls or raises despite the hand, position, flop, or odds. Strategy Part 1: The Study of Tactics in Poker Beating 6 Max No Limit Holdem by Sauce123 Spenda’s 5 Biggest Leaks of a Losing NL Player – Leak 1. The 'donkey' ends up taking down the hand, much to the chagrin of the player with the pocket Aces. The fact that: a) the 'donkey' shouldn't have called the pre-flop raise b) the 'donkey' likely should have given up on the turn makes this hand a definite 'donkstrike'.Recent Articles That Include The Term Donkstrike: None. Back to the - Poker.

PokerNews Staff

The poker term 'donk bet' was actually coined relatively recently, only coming into prominence over the last decade or so.

It started out as a somewhat derogatory way of describing a bad play (strategically speaking), although over time the term has been used more generically to describe a specific type of postflop bet.

Donkey Poker Define

PokerNews recently caught up with 888Poker Ambassador Dominik Nitsche who offered a quick explanation of donk betting and how the move fits into larger strategic concerns in no-limit hold'em.

As Nitsche explains, a 'donk bet' refers to a postflop bet in which a player who is out of position is 'leading into the preflop aggressor.'

In other words, say a player in late position raises before the flop and another defends the big blind with a call. Then after the flop the player in the big blind leads out with a bet — called a 'donk bet' because (as Nitsche explains) 'usually inexperienced players would do it,' not realizing the importance of position when making that leading bet.

'Typically this is thought of as a bad play, but there's a lot more to it,' explains Nitsche, who goes on to distinguish between situations when leading with a so-called 'donk bet' can actually be a good play and times when it clearly is not. Take a look:

Donkey Poker Define Slang

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    cash game strategytournament strategyno-limit hold’empostflop strategypositionimagedonk bettingDominik Nitschevideo
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    Dominik Nitsche
The poker donkey has replaced the poker fish. In the olden days of poker (before 1999) the bad players were called fish. Now a days they are called a donkey.
A poker donkey is a bad player, or is he? A poker donkey is a gambler. Not just any old gambler though. The poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. The poker donkey is a terrible gambler. The poker donkey will gamble with incorrect odds and hit their miracle card.
A poker donkey does not know any better. Donkeys like to play and they will get paid at your expense. You can expect to find a poker donkey at the lower limits of poker. Usually they will go on good runs of cards. The donkey will run so good that they will be mistaken that they are actually good at poker and berate other players to their fine playing skills.
But, like all donkeys they finally end up on the rail watching other donkeys play. The poker donkey will often be mad and sulk and blame the cards for the absolute terrible run of bad fortune. It is only then that the poker donkey will dig deep to gain knowledge of the game.
Whether you are playing poker online, playing a live poker tournament or playing poker in a casino watch out. There just may be a poker donkey sitting next to you.
That guy is a fucking poker donkey. If I ever play cards like those, I'd be a donkey. You won that hand playing like a donkey.
Get a poker donkey mug for your fish José.
Anyone who protests the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election without any proof or evidence and refuses to recognize Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States of America.
After over 50 cases brought before, and thrown out of, US courts, including the Supreme Court, hundreds of Trump supporters, claiming to be a million supporters, continued to cry and protest and chant outside the White House, like a bunch of voteflakes.
Get a Voteflake mug for your fish Manafort.
Donks are the parasites of the poker world.
Donks will call any bet, to chase any draw, with any two cards.
Donks have a psychological problem, a gambling addiction.
For Donks, the adrenaline rush of taking huge risks is better than sex.
You might think if you put a donk all-in, or literally put a gun to their head they might fold?
That would only make it more of a thrill for them to 'risk it all.'
A few things you can do to beat donks:
1. Defuse their 'thrill' reflex by keeping pots small and boring.
Resist the urge to bet big to 'protect' your hand. That's like waving a red cape at a bull in a china shop. Don't worry about giving away 'free cards.' It's only a free card if he would have folded.
2. Have a deep bankroll.
If possible, get some big corporation to stake your buy-ins.
You may have to wear a hat or Tshirt with their logo, and maybe pose for some promotional photos, but you'll never have to worry about being out of the action just because of suck-outs.
The real threat from donks is that they win YOUR money, then lose it to someone ELSE while you're broke.
The goal is to still be there to capitalize when this piece of filth's luck finally runs out.
3. Don't play micro stakes.
That's any Vegas NLHE cash game with a Big Blind LESS than $10, or tournament with a buy-in less than $500. While you might find a donk in any game, micro stakes are absolutely infested with them; and you just may as well go play Roulette.

Define Donkey In Poker

That damn poker donkey just couldn't take 'fold' for an answer; and of course, he sucked out on the River.
Get a poker donkey mug for your bunkmate Bob.

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Donkey Poker Define

Define Poker Term Donkey

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